Snowflake | By: Jennifer | | Category: Short Story - Christmas Bookmark and Share




You,snowflake-clear like my soul

and white like the love.

You've just fallen from the sky

and caught my heart.

I could make a wish and listen

after the snow under my steps.

Your whiteness is not for a long-

if I let you down,you will be like

the other snowflakes-muddy and alone.

But if I safe you,would you do the

same for me?

But hurry-you're in my arms and

you'll dip in my gloves.

I don't want you to go.

Please,clear and white snowflake,

tell to your sisters to come and

see the Earth-we need to see

the beautiful side of the world.

If you call them to go down,they will

meet the green grass and we

will meet the beauty.


As I told this to the snowflake,

it was only water.

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