Final Defeat | By: ken spry | | Category: Short Story - Other Type Song Bookmark and Share

Final Defeat

        Final Defeat

He almost died when he was born

But cried real loud, just for scorn

He was poor,times were rough

I think that,s what made him so tough

At school he took his kicks

Not too many he couldn't lick

Early teens were hard, he became confused

But he never gave in and was never abused

Things got worse in his latter teens

But he fought back hard,but was never mean

He got married and tried to find work when ever he could

But jobs were scarce, some people said he was just no good

But he raised a family and put them through school

Fighting hard all the way but going by the golden rule

So he struggled and fought and never was beat

Till one thing no man has yet to defeat

If you know the answer then finish this rhyme

No man has ever beat - - - -


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