NO PEACE | By: Sandi Banksi | | Category: Short Story - Death Bookmark and Share


I Cannot find peace for my wretched soul,

I'm falling into a deep,dark hole.

Nothing helps.

No Drug.

No wine.

No healing herbs can I fine.

I reach for my gun to blow

out my brain,thinking maybe

this will ease my pain.

But,then I think of those

I will leave behind.

What kind of peace,

After I'm gone,will

they find?

I instesd live for yet another day,

Hoping some healing will come my way.

But then,the hurting makes me weep,

And, all I want to do is sleep

The pain is so bad I want to move on.

Please always know I'm never really gone.

And,someday when you can forgive,

Please remember I tried to hang on,

I tried to live.

Click Here for more stories by Sandi Banksi
