Toothpaste Sandwich | By: Eugene Carmen | | Category: Short Story - Funny Bookmark and Share

Toothpaste Sandwich

You can have it on white or wheat
Add marshmallows or maple syrup for a treat
Any flavor or brand you choose
It comes in green, red, white or blue
I am not talking about Manwich
It is all about a toothpaste sandwich
Put enough on the bread so you get the full flavor
Ask the beer belly man and the toothless woman who live in a converted U haul
Or ask the blonde bimbo who goes to the extreme
Ask her how she maintains her oral hygiene
Try it once and you will make the switch
No more peanut butter and jelly, just a tasty toothpaste sandwich
Check the back of each tube for the ingredients you prefer
Just remember, upset stomach, vomiting and dehydration may occur
Some like Crest, I like Aim
I guess in a toothpaste sandwich it all tastes the same
Too much will send your head spinning for a loop
Please ask me about my famous recipe for toothpaste soup

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