Don't You Wish You Could Dress Like Me | By: Eugene Carmen | | Category: Short Story - R&B Bookmark and Share

Don't You Wish You Could Dress Like Me

So you wanna know my secret of my wardrobe success
It is all in my shopping habits I must confess
Why spend a fortune to look like a million bucks
I catch the bargains, I guess it's all in the luck
I am the only one in style as you can plainly see
Don't you wish you could dress like me
From hospital scrubs to camoflage capris
Just admit it, you are jealous of me
I notice so many of the females have no fashion sense
Look at my closet, so many clothes, I need a table of contents
I will soon open my fashion hot line
Just call 1-800-so-fine
Now a contractor will expand the closet for more wardrobe capacity
Don't you wish you could dress like me
Joan Rivers is now requesting I join the Red Carpet Fashion Police
She wants to bring me in instead of her niece
I tell sorry, there are so many women screaming for my help here
One example is Zena, her taste in fashion isn't too clear
I just won a pulitzer prize for my book titled Queen, the Fashion Authority
With a little self discipline, you have a slim chance, if none, to be able to dress like me
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