WHY | By: redtears | | Category: Short Story - Depressing Bookmark and Share


Daddy, remember all the fun we had,
When Mama was here?
We used to go on picnics and you would lift me up,
And I would shriek even though I knew I was safe in your arms.
Remember Daddy, remember?

Why did things change Daddy?
You keep telling me it’s my fault Mama’s gone….
Gone forever.
It’s my fault we got hit by that driver
And I lived to hear Mama’s last words.
I don’t understand Daddy!

Why do you hurt me Daddy?
You’ve changed.
You scare me into hiding but you always find me,
To hit me and yell.
People are always asking me where I get the marks from Daddy.
Don’t worry, I don’t tell them Daddy!

Your home again. I can hear your footsteps.
You turned on my bedroom light and your dragging me to the car.
I can smell the beer on you and your wobbling.
Where are we going Daddy?
You do not answer.
Where are we Daddy? What are you doing with the shovel Daddy? Daddy?
Please don’t Daddy! It hurts! Stop Daddy stop!
I’m sorry Daddy! I didn’t mean to kill Mama! Daddy?!


Daddy I forgive you. You hurt me but I’m okay.
I’m with Jesus now and he explained everything.
I’m going to go see Mama now Daddy! Jesus knows her!
Don’t cry Daddy! I love you!
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