The vegetables' market | By: Mohammad Skati | | Category: Short Story - Life Bookmark and Share

The vegetables' market

I was a little kid at that time and I loved to accompany my mother to the place that they used to call it " the vegetables' market" to buy daily stuffs to our house . I really loved to accompany my mother to that place which was not far from our house . It was almost on a daily basis to go to buy normal stuffs to our family . My dad - He rests in his tomb - rarely went to that place simply because it was my mother's daily job . I had my school afternoon ,so I took advantage to go in the morning with my mother to buy stuffs from that place ... My mother liked to negotiate prices with all those salespeople who used to have their permanent stuffs ... All those salesmen used to treat me and my mother very well . Some didn't like price preference while others liked to accept it . We used to stroll in the whole market's spot just to find what we desired at that time ... My mother used to buy what she wished in the best prices for her or to beat all the salesmen's prices anytime ... All salesmen used to give me some pieces of fruits or vegetables to eat them ... We were being treated in the best situation simply because we were very honest people ... We used to spend a lot of time looking for example for a pack of parsley or for a pack of mint ... We used to buy somewhat good vegetables and fruits depending on a tiny budget given to us by my dad on a daily basis ... It was something intersting to accompany my mother to the vegetables' market everyday and my mother like me to accompany her just to carry the suffs she used to buy from over there ... I was happy and glad helping my mother in what she wanted ... I cared mostly about my afternoon's school simply because I did not want to be late ... The childhood's days were very great and wonderful for me ... _______________________________________________________Cool

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