THE KING'S HEAD | By: jo | | Category: Full Story - Children Bookmark and Share




It was a sunny afternoon and Puppy and her friends were spending the day at the magic fair

Oh gross! Check out that sign! Vicky Dragonfly cried out as they made their way down the fair grounds. Towards its magic shop

We serve the best rabbit tails


Because they’re made out of real rabbits! Eww I really hope that they’re only joking Puppy frowned after reading the sign

The magic shop stood next to the fire breathing roller coaster ride

Oh wow! That looks like an awesome ride! We should check it out after we check out the magic shop Tommy Cub told them. The shop looked smaller from the outside but inside was like a big warehouse. With shelves filled with magic books and other magical stuff

Daisy Penguin opened a deck of playing cards. And looked through it every card inside the deck was the ace of spades

That’s dumb who’d buy something like this? She wondered to herself. She was about to place them back when she heard Tommy screaming

Help! I just chopped off my finger!

She dropped the deck the cards on the floor and ran over towards him

Oh my god! Let me see! Let me see!

Tommy slowly raised his hand up and waved her cell phone in Daisy’s face

Ugh! You big jerk! You nearly scared me half to dead! And give me back my phone! How did you do that any way she yelled out angrily. Tommy just evilly grinned at her before he answered

A true magician never gives away his secrets. Daisy was so upset that the only thing she could think of doing. Was to give him a big push causing him to fall backwards and into a big toad

Oh I’m sorry

Well hello kids my name is Mr. Bones the owner of the store. Can I help you kids with anything?

What’s the price of this magic coin? Vicky asked

Ah! Excellent choice! That my dear is two headed coin you’ll surly never lose any coin toss with that coin. That’s for sure! Mr. Bone laughed

Two days later Vicky was showing her new coin to her friend Honey Kitten

Okay if it lands on tails I’ll give you my nutty cake. And if it lands on heads you’ll give me your chocolate cake Vicky was telling her

Okay deal

Okay Vicky laughed as she tossed the coin high in the air

Heads I win!

Toss it again and this time the winner takes all Honey answered her

Okay winner takes all! Vicky cried then tossed the coin higher in the air

Hey were did it go?

I think it rolled over there by those bushes Honey answered. They bumped their heads when they both dove for the coin at the same time


Suddenly everything changed the whole playground seemed to just disappeared into thin air

Hey where did the playground disappear to? Honey cried out

I don’t know but is it just me but do you feel like the world is suddenly spinning out of control? Vicky answered

No but only did the playground disappeared but the whole neighborhood did too. I don’t like this it just too weird Honey mumbled

Me neither but standing here isn’t going to help us any. Come on let’s go and see if we can find anybody who can tell us what’s going on? Vicky answered her. They kept walking until they came upon a wide golden path that lead up to a castle door

Okay I’ll wait here while you go and knock Honey told Vicky

Me? Why don’t you do it? Hey did you just hear that Vicky frowned

Yah it sounded like a horse uttering Honey answered. They ran over towards where they heard the noise. It was a small hut inside was a small boar with a stoned face standing over a fire fixing a horse shoe

Umm excuse me sir we seemed to be lost can you please tell us where we are? Vicky asked. The boar turned around and frowned

Silly fools why are you wearing those strange costumes? And what kingdom did you children belong to?

Kingdom? We don’t belong to any kingdom we come from a town called Rocky Shores. Which seemed to have disappeared into thin air Vicky explained

And does this king of this so called Rocky Shores know that you’ve fled from his kingdom? The boar asked

What? I just told you that we don’t belong to any kingdom Vicky frowned

I see stay right there and don’t try to escape the boar frowned back

Escape from what? We just want to know where we are? How we got here and how we can get back home? Honey sobbed

Honey I don’t think we should wait let’s take off before he---. And before Vicky could finish her sentence a huge net fell over them

Hey let us out of here! She screamed. One of the boars leaned closer towards with a big creepy smile on his face. He answered

Don’t be foolish little ones we just captured the two who beheaded our king!

What? We are just kids! We didn’t behead anyone! Honey cried out. But the guards just laughed and high fived each other as they dragged them back to the castle

Flicking wall torches blinded them as a loud spooky voice from across the room cried out

Excellent job! You captured them!

No they didn’t! We don’t even belong here! Vicky yelled you’re making a big mistake

Silence foolish one! The only mistake that was made was you thinking that you’ll get away with it the old boar growled at her


Did you really believe wearing those silly costumes would save you from being caught he added

But we’re not wearing any silly costume we dress like this every day Honey cried out

Surly you can come up with a better excuse then that the old boar smirked guards take them to see the king

At the end of the hall the old boar stepped aside as the guard pushed opened the door. Against the far wall sitting at a wooden table was the king. Vicky and Honey screamed in terror when they noticed that he was headless

Your highness I’m pleased to report that we’ve captured your assassins the boar smiled. The girls screamed again when the headless king raised his hand and began to write on a piece of paper that was in front of him

How can he still be alive when he doesn’t have a head! Honey cried out. They all ignored her outburst and read out loud what the headless king wrote


We didn’t do anything with it! Why doesn’t anyone believe us! Vicky yelled. The headless king slammed his hand on the table then began to write again


What! This is all a big mistake! Honey cried out


A few seconds later they were outside standing in front of a strong boar who was dressed all in black. With a big ax gripped tightly in his hand

The dragonfly will go first do you’ve any last words? The boar asked

Yes I do my name is Vicky Dragonfly my friend and I come from a town called Rocky Shores. We never hurt anyone we don’t even know how we got here or why

Silence! Now continue with the beheading!

No wait!

Wait for what? Would you like to confess and take your friends place? The old boar smirked

No I want to make a bet with you she mumbled

What kind of bet the old boar frowned

Vicky has a coin in her pocket she’ll toss it in the air. And if it lands on head you’ll let us go but if it lands on tails we’ll confess Honey explained

Fair enough but I must warn you that I never lost a coin toss in my life! He laughed

Okay here it goes Vicky cried as she threw the coin high in the air

Its heads! We win! They both yelled

What? How is that possible I never lose the old boar growled

So we can go now right? Vicky shrugged

Take them to the caves! Until I decide on what to do with them he ordered

Huh? No wait! You said that you’d let us go

Oh I did didn’t i? Sorry kids but I lied the old boar smiled

A few minutes later they were being pushed inside of cage

Oh great! Now what? Honey muttered they’re going to keep us locked down here forever

That’s what you think we’re getting out of here right now Vicky smiled holding up the key to the cell

Oh my god Vicky! How did you do that? Honey cried out

I’ll tell you some other time now let’s go before they decide to come back Vicky answered her then lean against the bar. And placed the key inside the lock that clicked softly as it opened. They quickly ran out of the caves and around the corner and kept running until they couldn’t run any more. Once they were outside the castle Honey turned to Vicky

I was thinking this all happened when we both went to grab for the coin at the same time. maybe if we try it again it’ll bring us back home

That sounds like a great idea okay here it goes nothing Vicky shrugged as she threw the coin in the air. When it landed they both dove for it but nothing happened

Maybe we’ve to do it in the same spot or someplace close to it Honey shrugged

Maybe but I’ve another idea what if we find the king’s head Vicky answered

It’s worth a try but we can’t go back inside the castle. We probably be caught within five minutes if we do

Yah but hiding out here is not going to help us any. Come on let’s go check around and see what we can find out Vicky told her. A few minutes later they were walking around the town when they came across a small shack

Let’s start in here that’s pretty weird why would anyone have a pile of hay inside their shack? Vicky frowned. Honey was about to answer her when a large boar walked inside the door and asked

Well, well and who might you two be?

Well umm sir we’re visiting from a far, far away land in hopes that we’d find the best umm Vicky began

Hay! Honey finished for her

Oh well if you’re looking for the best hay then you must go the barn yard. If you like I can take you there the boar answered them

Oh no! I mean I know where that is thanks and sorry again Vicky smiled dragging Honey by the arm towards the door

A few minutes later they were digging around a big hay stack that was behind castle. And just when it seemed like it was a big waste of time. Vicky pulled out the king’s head

Oh wow! I can’t believe it you actually found it! Honey cried out

Yah now let’s go back and tell the king hopefully after. We give it back to him we can finally get back home Vicky smiled as she threw the king’s head inside a big sack. When they walked back inside the castle they tried to tell the old boar but he just laughed

Silly fools don’t you realize that i was the one who planned this whole thing. Soon I will be taking over and ruling this kingdom however I see fit. Now I don’t know where you fools have come from but it’s time that you two disappear. And this time you won’t escape he growled. And before any of them could answer an angry voice cried out from inside the bag that Vicky was holding

You foolish old fool I just heard every word that you’ve said. And you’ll very soon pay for your crimes against me!

But sir you—

Silence! The king barked as soon as I’m untied with my body. I’ll make sure you’ll taken away never to see the light of day ever again!

And before the confused boar could reply Vicky cried out

Your highness let me do the honors! She then slowly took out the king’s head out of the bag and placed it back on his body. Once it was scared the king barked for the guards

Lock him up inside the cave and throw away the keys!

Once they left the king turned to Vicky and Honey and asked

Now tell me again how you kids wandered into my kingdom?

They quickly took turns in telling him the whole story start to finish

Let see this coin that you speak of?

Vicky carefully took the coin out of her pocket and gave it to him. When he carefully looked at it he told them

The face on this coin looks a lot like me


Yes here I’ll show you

He took out a box in where he keeps his coins and tossed over to them

Here you may keep this as a token for helping me

Both Vicky and Honey went to catch the box and just like before they bumped heads. And then everything went black

Seconds later

Hey look we’re back! Honey cried out happily as she pointed towards the school

Yah I guess we did what we were meant to do and as a reward it brought us back Vicky shrugged

Hey where have you two been lunch time is almost over. And we’ve been looking for you guys all over Tommy frowned

That my friend is a very long, long story one that not even in your wildest dream. You’re ever going to believe! Honey laughed

Copyrights © belong to jaci 2006


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