WAITING FOR LUIGI. | By: Terry Collett | | Category: Short Story - Despair Bookmark and Share


Luigi keeps you waiting,
He always does, looks upon
You as his bit on the side,


The dame who’d come round
When he wanted, when he
Called or when he turned up,


And you hear on the radio
About the Wall Street crash,
And sitting in the armchair


You wonder if he’s going to
Call, but he hasn’t, and you
Begin to speculate if he will,


That maybe he’ s otherwise
Engaged at that moment, that
Other schmucks might be with


Him taking up his time and
Passion, worrying about their
Money and shares, and how


Their businesses are going to
Go or if it’s going to pull a
Few rugs from beneath a few


Butts and Luigi’s amongst them,
And sighing, you wonder where
You come in all this, whether


You’ll be still kept in this small
Apartment or whether you’ll be
Out on your ear and on your ass


And back where you were when
He found you and picked you up
And dusted you off and set you


Up where he could find you and
Have you when he wanted and
He likes to have a dame on his


Arm, and a pretty dame too, and
At this moment, you are probably,
You think, one of the prettiest,


At least that’s what you believe,
And why not, if you don’t believe
In yourself, your old lady says,


Who’s going to buy into you or
Your dream and keep you on the
Sweet life and save you from


Drowning in the cesspit of the
City, and so you wait, sitting
There feeling quite sexy, at this


Time, wanting Luigi to call,
Wanting him so say, I’ll be right
Over Baby, get yourself all hot


And brightened up and ready for
Luigi for your lover man cometh,
And that laugh of his echoes loudly


Through your head and heart and
Plucks at your strings, and you
Being bright and alive, like a skylark


Sings, or so you’ve heard, and yes,
You want, at this moment in your
Life, to be just like that darn bird.


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