Cost based economics is a Fraud! | By: Anthony Huie | | Category: Short Story - Introspective Bookmark and Share

Cost based economics is a Fraud!

Our present Economical models, which are all "Cost Based Systems,” exclusively benefits our present banking along with the various long entrenched financial institutions.  It does not now, nor did it ever properly service the every day consumer.


Cost is man made! They are not real. Cost is not a requirement for service. We need a better way of calculating individual contribution of effort. Cost is not it!

We are in seriously desperate need of a new more practical "consumer based economical System!"  

A very simple case in point! The idea of grown men and women standing around a coffee machine each day for endless months and months and then more months, gambling millions of dollars on the question of “will the machine brew coffee that morning?”  should be viewed as absolutely absurd.


More insane the thought when considering these men and women have been using the identical machine serviced by the very same source of water, power and brand of coffee for the entire duration of their absurdity. Had this behavior been restricted to their very small group of eccentrics it could be argued, what’s the harm! Sadly their unique thirst for gambling has long been robed under the more insidious pretense of philanthropist economics. In other words, “we do this for the higher, wider and necessary consumer benefit.”


At the beginning of each new day they await the arrival of customers at the doorway of the coffee shop. With each gambler touting his or her own theories while blanketing one entire wall with huge charts accompanied by an equally complex, though most impressive to the uninitiated, borderline spiritual mysterious to the uninformed, series of electronic graphs on multiple screens the act of buying coffee seems a mute point.

Surprisingly the least impressed and or mesmerized by this circus of activity are the many home makers out for a quick break between feedings, lunches, pick ups and appointments.


Soon this rather juvenile activity wrapped in the disguise of a war room tactical scrum, fully consumes the daily routine of partitions. So confused and obsessed the audience their behavior becomes stripped of any individuality. They now arrive much earlier, stay much longer, buys excessive inventory of coffee all motivated by the paranoid delusional ramblings of the very small club of gambles. So intrusive the gamblers into the daily routine of the regular coffee buying public, the taste of coffee no longer tops the reason for their visits.


But not so for visiting gentle unassuming homemakers! For this very practical group of patrons, mostly mothers, the taste of coffee had never been their motivation. Their rationale was and remains the value of human contact. Coffee was just the conduit. For in their very simply common sense world, they fully understand that it matters not if the coffee brews that particular day. What is most important is having someone with whom to share in the solution.

However in the world of charts, graphs, gamblers and worriers, the day did arrive when the machine stopped brewing.


For the many whose lives had become entangled in the hysteria the act of buying coffee became a completely life altering experience. Many of the gambles and patrons alike became instant medical causalities. Others found themselves holding huge inventory of useless coffee and coffee paraphernalia. Still others struggled to collect coffee that they had previously paid for now became undeliverable. Supplies of coffee, water, power were all traumatized as witness in their various actions of distress.


“But not so the humble homemakers! For this very practical group of patrons, mostly mothers, the taste of coffee had never been their motivation. Their rationale was and remains the value of human contact. Coffee was just the conduit”


What is most important is they knew that the activities of those in the coffee shop had become no more than a case of taking from millions of Robin Hoods and giving it to the few bloated self absorbed sheriffs.

This is called the stock exchange!


The daily interference into the economy by faceless gambles has proven to be more destructive than constructive. The exchange, if at all required, need not be opened more than once per week. This would at least allow a more natural order of occurrence to take place. It would at the very least give less cause for the constant governmental interference.


We need a more "consumer based economical System!"  Cost are man made! They are not real. Cost is not a requirement for service. We need a better way of calculating individual contribution of effort. Cost is not it!


We need a way of valuation of our Human credits.


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