Karen Bautista's Author Profile

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exploring arts and life at its best colors


Why do you like writing?
Karen Bautista: I like it because it is a very strong medium to depict life and its diversities. Words and its mistress, Literature, inspired me to write.

When did you start writing and why?
Karen Bautista: My first short story was on a first grade paper. My teacher said to put a word at each line to fill up a page...i ended up writing three pages, single word per line story about a princess who had a golden bird as friend.

How long have you been writing?
Karen Bautista: Not that much. All were diary type writings. Jumbled thoughts written on crumpled tissues and used papers. I turned a little better on it when high school life hit me.

What is the best book you have ever read?
Karen Bautista: I got lots of collection. Each of them are my favorites by each category.

Who is your favorite author?
Karen Bautista: Terry Goodkind and Amorsolo Valdez

What is the best story you have ever written?
Karen Bautista: Corpse Groom. My close friends told me never to write such short stories again. Nercomaniacs are rare but they are real. They want to escape reality, and thus, life itself.

What is some advice you would give new writers?
Karen Bautista: Im a very young and new writer also. Keep writing. Make people smile or feel passion for life-its what we do as writers.